Driller Ratings For Now

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San Diego, Riverside and LA Counties.

The rating encompasses a combination of consumer concerns about drillers.

 Scale from 1 to 10.  10 being the Best.  

 A rating of “less than”  five (5) will be posted with the algebraic sign, "<".

San Diego driller ratings:

Drillers are selling an intangible and have to be dishonest to a degree for sales.

To convince you to drill blindly, drillers state the following:

  1. I have been drilling “X” years and I know where to drill.
  2. Water is where it is at.
  3. Or, it does not matter where you drill.
  4. Ever place is different.
  5. I use a water-witcher that never misses.
  6. Or, drilling near electric will save you money.  
  7. Or other pleasant indirect verbiage to mislead you.

We all rely on what one states and unfortunately many well drillers are shady to different degrees in their sales approach with prospective clients.

This video illustrates actions of many drillers.

Parcel in Santa Ysabel 2015, drilled by a Ramona driller.


Info that you should know.

There are three important points that one must keep in mind when conversing with a driller.

Point #1: When you mention the location that you live in;

    a)    The driller will tell you that he is familiar/drilled in your area and you would need to drill to 600/1000 + feet or more.

    Note;  On computer generated targets the average depth to water is around 200 to 500 feet.  There is no need to drill to 1000 feet (+) feet when you drill into the heart of the aquifer. 

See this link, depth —––not active––––––in "Testimonials" color coded in green.


Point #2: Water witching disappointments.

    a)    If a driller selected the area to drill or if you were referred (within the past 4 years) to a water witcher to make a geological assessment for the drilling target and are disappointed with the results/ yield, you can recover your losses.  

    b)    All drillers know: Professional ethics for licensed water well drillers forbids a licensee "To Profit" from his recommendation of a service that he knows does not work or is highly inconsistence. (Mainly referring to water witching and others)

    c)    If you had an unfortunate experience you can recover, feel free to contact.


Point #3: Professional Codes.

    a)    It is illegal for a water well driller to coheres you in the belief that this/or-that area is the place to drill.

    b)    A homeowner relies on the driller's professional ethics.

    c)    It is illegal for a driller to cleverly imply success for you to rely on his recommendation even thou he mentions that he does not guarantee water or any amount of water.

    d)    Even if he pointed out in his contract that he does not guarantee water and you signed, this action in (c) is illegal.


Important video sections;

  minute 2:28.

Don’t let the driller convince you otherwise.

Do not drill Blindly.  Do your due-diligences.

Ariel view of Nate’s parcel.

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