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Tricks of the Trade

Do’s & Don’t > Tricks of The Trade

Here are the 4 most used Tricks of The Trade.

1)  Drilling blindly;

  1. Driller convinces you to drill anywhere, near a tree, valley, near electricity to save money or use water witching in which he knows in all cases you are drilling blindly.
  2. Normally up to 1500 feet in depth.  Around a $35K piece tag.
  3. When no water is received, to get paid and come on as a nice guy, driller will offer the disappointed client, a 10% + discount.
  4. Making the client comfortable to write the check.
  5. 10% discount, is $3,500.oo.   Client is happier and after some friendly chat driller also makes an offer to drill the next hole at a discount.
  6. Client writes check and thinks he has a friend.  BUT!

This is a good scam technique for dishonest water well drillers.

2)  To get paid:

    Excuses given;

NEVER PAY anything until you know that you can fill

up your tank in ONE PUMPING period continuously.


Have an independent pump person install the pump.


If you are disappointed with your well’s output you can get a new well for free or a refund.


   3)  Depth of drilling:

   4)  Inexperienced driller not experienced to drill into water zones to develop your           well to full potential:

   5)  This action is literally screwing the homeowner: