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LO Lynch

Driller Ratings > Riverside

Rating is below #5.

If you elected to have Radar Water do a geophysical survey for a water well drilling target than you should not hire LO Lynch to do the drilling.

  1. Lynch seems to have a problem drilling into fracture zones.
  2. Ken of LO Lynch told Radar Water that he does not want to spend the time developing the well for the client for he has (jargon) “hole to cut”.
  3. Vesper Road, Valley Center, Ca 2015 December.
  4. LO Lynch convinced client not to utilize technology, but a dowser.
  5. 1000 feet, around a cost of $30 to $35K.
  6. Supposedly an 8 gpm well for the 60 acre flower farm.
  7. Bid price for the pump - $30K.


Client will never be able to pump even 4 gpm 24/7.

  1. When I see the well log I will see if this pump bid qualifies for a

 “Trick Of The Trade”.


 LO Lynch drilled for Cross Creek Golf Creek, Temecula, Ca.

 Told to me by the owner:

 Two (3) wells selected by water-witcher, Jess Mossa.

 Two wells around 700 to 800 feet in depth, basically no water, non useable.

 Third water well to 900 feet in depth, around 15 gpm.  This is for a Golf Course.  Witcher was Walt Stone, owner stated Mr. Stone was recommend by Paul Stehly. 

 LO Lynch received the job.

NOTE; Stehly drilling will not utilize actively either Jess Mossa, Dario or Walt Stone on Stehly's 800 (hundred) acre grove to identify water well drilling targets.

 Paul might have around 100 + bad wells drilled in their groves.  Many wells down to 1600 feet told to me by the dad, Nick Stehly.


Riverside Estates,     road, LO Lynch’s client, Dave stated to Radar Water that Amil said, Radar’s technique does not work in hard rock areas.

Amil lied to Dave and on that date Radar Water no longer recommended LO Lynch.


Opinion; when drillers lie to clients costing them lots of money, how can anyone give that driller a good rating.